Collections: Artbank, Sydney; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Flinders University Art Museum, Adelaide; National Gallery of Australia, Canberra; Parliament House Art Collection, Canberra; The Holmes a Court Collection, Perth; The Kelton Foundation, Santa Monica, USA.
Selected Exhibitions: 1973 "Warlpiri and Pintubi Art", Angaston; 1981 "Aboriginal Artists of Australia"; 1982 Georges Gallery, Melbourne; 1982, Brisbane Festival, 1982 Mori Gallery, Sydney; 1983 Papunya, Paintings from the Central Australian Desert, touring exhibition, America and Europe; 1985 "Dot and Circle", Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne; 1986 National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; 1987 Art and Aboriginality, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth, UK; 1988 Australian Aboriginal Graphics from the Collection of the Flinders University Art Museum; 1989 Westpac Gallery, Melbourne; 1989 "Mythscapes", National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; 1989 Aboriginal Art, The Continuing Tradition, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra; 1991, The Painted Dream, Contemporary Aboriginal Paintings from the Tim and Vivien Johnson Collection, Auckland Art Gallery and Te Whare Taonga Aoteroa National Art Gallery, New Zealand; 1994, 2000 Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs; 1994 Yiribana Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; 2000 "Twenty-five years and Beyond", Art Gallery of New South Wales (in association with Papunya Tula Artists), Sydney; 2001 "Pintupi, Alice Springs.
Source Includes: Aboriginal Artists, dictionary of biographies by Janusz B. Kreczmanski and Margo Birnberg (This illustrated dictionary of 446 pages showing many photographs of artists and paintings is available from Doongal).